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Sylvie RAES

Phone: (1) 809-843-9559

               (1) 809-320-0498

               (1) 203-7705354

To all my cowboys and cowgirls,

Hopefully this will find you all healthy and safe during these terrible times.

Here at Rancho Salvaje-Lorilar,  we, the people are all fine, but unfortunately this is not the case for our 50 horses who lack food and medicine. Because of the crisis caused by the coronavirus, the government forced us to close the ranch and we no longer have any money coming  in to buy food and medicine.
As you might know, the government here does little for people, let alone horses.

For this reason, I am contacting all of you who rode with us in the past to help us get through this crisis. Any donation you could make to help us with the horses ( to buy fodder, hay, medicine) would be so very welcome. It doesn't matter if it's $ 5 or $ 50, it all helps. What we can do is offer you (if you wish) a free ride when it is all over and when we are back "in the saddle again!"
please help us !!! Click on DONATE

Stay safe and stay strong. 


Your team from Rancho Salvaje /Lorilar

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